Success in Hollywood feels complicated, but it’s oh-so-simple.

Master the 5 components and get everything you’ve been dreaming of.



Everyone tries to make success in Hollywood soooooo much more complicated than it really is. And I totally get why:

because succeeding in Hollywood is so rare that it feels like this intangible thing. So we need to come up with shiny new ways to make it feel tangible.

So much of it feels out of your control. You spend a lot of time waiting for someone to notice you. You spend a lot of time waiting for that phone to ring, or that email to come in, or that damn YES to finally come your way.

Oh my gosh, it’s so exhausting!!

I mean, you still want this. You want this so damn badly. So you frantically search for the answers.

And there is so much information out there. Who do you believe? What do you follow?
What new technique should you invest in?

I’m here to burst your bubble for a hot second. (It’s good news, I swear!)


 success in Hollywood is so damn simple
and it only requires 5 components.

We can try to complicate it. We can try to look for a shiny new method. But the truth is, that’s all a distraction.

All you really need to do is master these 5 components and you’re golden. Nothing fancy or complicated about it.

So take a big sigh of relief that you don’t need to learn
a million things. It’s basic. It’s simple. And you can absolutely do it.



master Hollywood

This is an online training where you’ll master the 5 components of success in Hollywood so that you can simplify your strategy and focus on the things that actually matter.

No more staring at your computer wondering what to do. No more wondering if you’re doing the right things. No more sitting around waiting.

Master Hollywood is your chance to let go of the wishing-hoping-praying strategy and finally feel confident in KNOWING you’re living the Hollywood success path.




why this is needed

I recently watched a YouTube video of someone sharing a new method that “works wonders,” and I immediately thought, “That is something shiny for people to chase, but the TRUTH is, success in Hollywood is SO DAMN SIMPLE!

I’ve coached close to 100 people in Hollywood. I’ve coached actors, writers, directors, musicians, artists, editors, set PAs, production designers, a music supervisor, special event directors, and guess what?

It. Is. The. Same. For. Everyone.

Are there some nuances between the crafts? Sure.

But it’s all basically the same.

It all comes down to just 5 components, and it’s the same 5 I’ve worked on with every single client.

That’s why I’m doing this 5 week program. Because I need you to know that you’ve totally got this and it’s not that complicated. Let’s do this.

 master Hollywood: the breakdown

Every week, I’ll teach each mastery on live video.


Almost every craft in Hollywood has to have an agent or manager at some point. Representation helps open doors and gets you in the rooms, whether it’s interviews, auditions, or pitch meetings. What you’ll master in Week 1:

  • How to get the agent or manager you actually want

  • When to leave your current agent or manager (and how to do it)

  • The key to getting reps who actually get you the auditions, meetings, interviews

  • How to pitch yourself to reps and what to say

  • Who to contact and how to contact them

  • Everything you need to know about referrals


Regardless of what you’re pursuing in Hollywood, you need to know how to market yourself. You need to know how to communicate what you do and why you’re worth investing in. In Week 2 you’ll master:

  • How to create the best materials: headshots, reels, resumes, etc.

  • How to pitch your scripts (or anything else you’re “selling”)

  • How to brag about your accomplishments

  • How to brag when you feel like you don’t have any accomplishments yet

  • How to use social media to market yourself


People help people. It’s that simple. When you know people who are rooting for you, it becomes easier to get auditions, meetings, interviews, and opportunities. In Week 3 you’ll master:

  • Who to make connections with

  • How to connect with them

  • What to say

  • How to follow up

  • How to build genuine relationships with people who want to help you


You can’t get away from this because your beliefs control everything you do. Every fear, every doubt, every past failure or struggle will try very hard to hold you back. In Week 4 you’ll master:

  • The fears that hold you back

  • The mantras every successful person lives by

  • The energy you’re putting out (and therefore, attracting)

  • The stories you tell yourself when you get rejected

  • What to do everyday to keep your mind and energy at a high vibration

  • How to manifest the connections, jobs, money, and impact you want


It’s so easy to stay where you are forever. But chances are, you have big dreams and you don’t want to stay where you are. Whatever your next level is, there is a way to get there. When you master this, you’ll always be moving up. In Week 5 you’ll master:

  • The 3 ways to get to the next level

  • Creating your own content: when to do it and when not to

  • How to get more money, more consistency, and more quality

  • J-O-Y, chasing happiness rather than validation

Everything you get:


5 Trainings on Mastery

You’ll get five in-depth trainings that you can watch on your own time. Watch them in order, or head straight to the one you need most right now, it’s all there for you!


Master Hollywood was first done live, so you’ll be able to hear questions and answers in the recordings from real people just like you.

Additional Resources

Templates, guides, and other tools that apply to each mastery, to help you kick ass.


 Ready to simplify your goals and master Hollywood?

Why these 5? Is that really all I need?


 Let’s take a look at some Hollywood goals:

  • sell a script

  • book an acting role

  • direct a feature

Now let’s take a look at what is required to make those goals happen:

  • an agent or manager who sends you out

  • connections beyond your rep’s

  • pitch and market yourself (and/or your “product”) well

  • high vibrational energy that attracts the opportunities

No matter what your goals are, at any given time, you should be working on representation, marketing the hell out of yourself, building more genuine connections, working on your mindset and internal stories that muddy everything you’re doing, and taking risks that push you to the next level.

When you have representation, you should be working on your connections.

When you’re feeling stuck, you should be working on your mindset.

When you get a meeting, you should prep your pitching.

When you’re in between reps and/or projects, you should be marketing yourself.

It truly is just these 5 things.

Are there nuances within the 5 things? Yes! And I’ll cover all of them in each mastery training.

But these 5 things are the code to unlock whatever you want.


but wait. the elephant in the room:

What about craft? Isn’t that something we should also master?

The short answer: YES!

You should be good at what you do. That usually helps.

And, you know, integrity.

Craft is a given. It’s assumed that you’re mastering it.

So why did I leave it off the list?

Two reasons:

  1. Like I said, it’s a given. You should be mastering your craft.

  2. It’s possible to achieve your goals without being super talented (I mean, hello, I’m sure you’ve seen bad acting/writing/directing on TV!). I know that sounds crazy, but proof is not hard to find. So, technically, you don’t need to be good at your craft to achieve your Hollywood goals. But you do need at least one of the other 5 working for you.

That being said, please be good at your craft. Especially if you want longevity.


Think about the goal you want to achieve by the end of the year.

Can you do it without representation?

Can you do it without marketing or pitching?

Can you do it without connections?

Can you do it without high vibrational energy?

Can you do it without getting to the next level?

Chances are you need at least 1 of these for your goal.

Chances are also high that you’ll need all 5.

And chances are even higher that you’ll need all of them for your
next goal and the goal after that.

Master these 5…

Do them all really freaking well…

And there is nothing you can’t have.


 questions you may have:

When is this program happening?

This program is no longer run live. This On Demand version is available to watch at any time. You also get lifetime access to the trainings.

If all I need are these 5 things, how is it different from your other courses?

Many of my other courses dive into specifics (like cold emailing and getting an agent). Master Hollywood covers the overarching strategies that that those specifics fit under. This program covers the five components that you should be working on often, and is especially great if you’re not sure what actions to take on a daily basis.

If you have any questions about this program and you’re serious about joining, submit them here:

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